Leibnitz Theorem on Successive Differentiation: Solved Problems

The Leibnitz’s theorem is used to find the n-th order derivative of a product function. This theorem is a generalisation of the product rule of differentiation. In this article, we will learn about Leibnitz’s theorem and solve few problems to learn how to use this theorem.

Statement of Leibnitz’s Theorem

Let u and v be two continuously differentiable functions.Then the n-th order derivative of uv is given by the formula below:

(uv)n = unv + nc1 un-1v1 + nc2 un-2v2 + … + uvn.

In the next section, we will find n-th order derivatives of product functions.

Solved Examples

Q1: If y = xn-1 logx, then show that yn = $\dfrac{(n-1)!}{x}$

Given that y = xn-1 logx.

Differentiating both sides with respect to x, we obtain that

y1 = (n-1) xn-2 logx + xn-1 ⋅ $\dfrac{1}{x}$

⇒ xy1 = (n-1) xn-1 logx + xn-1 (multiplying by x on both sides)

As y = xn-1 logx, we deduce the following:

y1x = (n-1)y + xn-1.

Now, differentiating (n-1)-times w.r.t x using Leibnitz’s theorem it follows that

(y1x)n-1 = (n-1)yn-1 + (xn-1)n-1

⇒ ynx + n-1c1 yn-1 ⋅1 = (n-1)yn-1 + (n-1)! as the n-th derivative of xn is equal to n!

⇒ ynx = (n-1)!

⇒ yn = $\dfrac{(n-1)!}{x}$ (Proved.)

Q2: If y = tan-1x, then show that (1+x2)yn+1 +2nxyn +n(n-1)yn-1 = 0.

We have y = tan-1x.

Differentiating both sides w.r.t x, it follows that

y1 = $\dfrac{1}{1+x^2}$

⇒ (1+x2) y1 = 1

Differentiating n-times using Leibnitz’s theorem, we obtain that

[y1(1+x2)]n = (1)n

⇒ yn+1(1+x2) + nc1 yn ⋅2x + nc2 yn-1 ⋅2 =0

⇒ (1+x2)yn+1 + 2nxyn + n(n-1)yn-1 = 0 (Proved.)

Also Read: Beta and Gamma Functions

Q3: If y = em sin-1x, then show that (1-x2)yn+2 – (2n+1)xyn+1 -(n2+m2)yn = 0.

Given y = em sin-1x.

Differentiating both sides w.r.t x, we have that

y1 = em sin-1x × $\dfrac{m}{\sqrt{1-x^2}}$ = $\dfrac{my}{\sqrt{1-x^2}}$

⇒ y12(1-x2) = m2y2.

Again differentiate w.r.t x. So we obtain that

2y1 y2(1-x2) +y12 ⋅(-2x) = m2⋅2yy1

⇒ y2 (1-x2) – xy1 = m2y (cancelling 2y1)

Now differentiating n-times w.r.t x using Leibnitz’s theorem, it follows that

yn+2 (1-x2) + nc1 yn+1 ⋅(-2x) + nc1 yn ⋅(-2) – {yn+1x + nc1 yn ⋅1} = m2yn

⇒ (1-x2)yn+2 – 2nxyn+1 – n(n-1)yn – xyn+1 – nyn = m2yn

⇒ (1-x2)yn+2 – (2n+1)xyn+1 -(n2+m2)yn = 0 (Proved.)

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